office park porn
A close second to woods porn, this specimen was found near the shuttle stop of a large pharmaceutical company in South San Francisco. Stuck out like a throbbing boner on the manicured lawn between the sidewalk and the hedge row. I was cutting across on my way to the train station, heading down to Rusty Sunshine’s to get some country air and escape this rat race city. I wasn’t there twenty minutes when a mangy coyote tried to kill one of Rusty’s good laying hens.
“Keep an eye on ‘im while I get the rifle,” Rusty says. Coyotes come silently. It was the squawking chicken that flew up from under the old Massey tractor that alerted us. This guy wasn’t too scared of me either. I was about fifteen feet away, looking at the bare patches of skin on his flank. “Maybe he has rabies?” I asked myself. I let him get a little further away. I was forcing him back up the hill along the fence line towards Rus.
Rus took a shot from the hill top, I didn’t even hear the report. “I got his foot, because he was limping. Should’ve used longs, these bullets don’t travel well. Would’ve got ‘im in the chest with the other ones.” I caught up with Rusty at the back fence of the riding ring. He had the rifle down at his side and I heard a woman screaming.
It wasn’t the scream of a woman with a .22 short in her. “She has a poodle, she scared him away. Di’nt dare take another shot.”
So much for taking it easy in the country. I few hours later I was at Sean’s in the suburbs. That ain’t no picnic either. I was unprepared for the enormous energy of a four year old who wanted to show me every toy she owned while climbing up my leg. We’re not safe anywhere.