kissing mountains
Do you see colors when you close your eyes and kiss? Tractors pulling rose bowl floats? When you kiss someone you love and your lips mingle and the tip of one tongue follows the tip of the other like two starlings chasing each other inches apart in the air swerving circles and flash flash flash they can swivel like a Knievel these two tongues concentrate your bodies into a single mountain top. Now open your eyes. Once I was drunk on a train, passed out. The conductor woke me, shaking my shoulders. I stood up but my left leg had fallen asleep. I had missed my stop, disoriented, unable to stand on both feet, my eyes hurt from the glare of the lights. This is what your kiss did to me.
you are here to be a writer. and a writer you are.
Comment by molly — March 18, 2008 @ 9:29 am