i finally made it to youtube! thanks mom, and dad, the guy upstairs, (not god, but him too)
the fellah’s upstairs are in this band called diego’s umbrella. they shot a little video for one of their songs and this is the teaser. i was the only guy they knew with a real mustache, so they asked me to sit in. if you look real close, you’ll find me in a black outfit pulling the guy into the van. the boys play some darn good music. it’s always a treat to here ‘em practice on a sunday afternoon.
thank you for not wearing a sombrero especially as you are a WASP and thank you for keeping it real with your moustache. i was told recently by a man with a Magnum PI that amoustache is the ultimate in vainty for a man because it serves no purpose and sits in the center of the face. he also said they need to be trained, moustaches that is.
Comment by bareCAT — September 19, 2007 @ 11:12 pm