My Robot Is Pregnant theme song!

tough guy poetry and manly stories of loneliness
all contents copyright Jon Rolston 2004, 2005, 2006

July 11, 2010


Drink holders on shopping carts. A nation on the move. A thirsty nation. Perhaps a signal we are losing our coordination as we age? Or is the $4 coffee to dear to spill? There is a reason the expense was taken.

Still waiting for someone to invent binocular windows. So I can lay in bed and focus in on the ships passing under the Golden Gate Bridge with a remote control that brings the monkey fist the Chinese deckhand tied on the long voyage across into enough detail I can count the bends.

China Shipping Lines was under way just before ten o’clock this morning. The fog was 100 feet above the water, the heights of the bridge obscured. The two red footings of the bridge looked like they were hemmed by a gray skirt. Containers stacked how high I couldn’t see. I needed that binocular glass. Came under the bridge without escort, no tug, probably an old friend of the Port of Oakland.

Should we worry about the Midwest? Are they lonely in the middle? A river is wide if you’ve never seen an ocean, so they’re probably fine. Good flat earth where the buffalo once roamed. What do they listen to for Rock ‘n Roll? Do they know what we look like out here?

Are we too noisy for them? Shouting over them from coast to coast? A wide middle child too polite to mention it.


  1. Binocular windows.. you mean.. A security camera with pan, tilt and zoom? They’re around $500-$3000+, in San Francisco you can get away without the heating kind, so the low end $500 ones will do, but if you want zoom, be prepared to pay more. sells one for cheaper, but the pan/tilt/zoom is not compatible with any other security system.
    Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll pick up a junk load with a camera in it… people throw out the strangest things.
    On the cheaper side of things, people have stuck webcams pointing outside for a long time now…

    Comment by Belcat — July 14, 2010 @ 11:12 am

  2. Why god allows this sort of thing to continue is a mystery.

    Sent from my iPad 4G

    Comment by hills fan — July 17, 2010 @ 1:24 am

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