My Robot Is Pregnant theme song!

tough guy poetry and manly stories of loneliness
all contents copyright Jon Rolston 2004, 2005, 2006

January 30, 2010

photo posted from my iPhone

The Chit Chat Cafe just got ten feet closer to the Pacific ocean. It’s the coffee shop a few blocks from the apartment buildings about to tumble down the crumbling cliff you see up there. A sleepy coast town called Pacifica getting hammered by stormy seas and heavy rains.

Nothing like a bit of danger and potential human suffering to bring in gawkers who need a latte as they stand gripping emergency cyclone fencing at the safety zone perimeter. Count me in.


  1. hey dude, i like your posts.

    and your theme song is soothing.

    Comment by wah — January 31, 2010 @ 3:14 pm

  2. What is that black tube thing next to the slidage? Part of the effort to save California or a poop chute?

    Comment by Lyle_s — February 1, 2010 @ 10:28 am

  3. The top of the cliff is the bottom of a hill, so all the runoff is diverted into a couple of those giant tubes. So more a urinary tract than a poop chute.

    Comment by Rolston — February 2, 2010 @ 1:18 am

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