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Okay, it looks like uve free or pie, but i got this 15 years ago from a guy named Tattoo George.
McCain daughter promises
NH tattoo if dad wins
October 17, 2008
NASHUA, N.H.—If Sen. John McCain wins the presidency and carries New Hampshire, his daughter promises she’ll carry a permanent reminder of the state.
While campaigning for her dad in Nashua on Thursday, Meghan McCain said if the senator becomes president, and wins in New Hampshire, she’ll tattoo the state motto — “Live Free or Die” — somewhere on her body.
She said she’d probably put the tattoo on her wrist (italics mine), as her way of commemorating her father’s run for the presidency. McCain’s win in the New Hampshire Primary in January revived his faltering campaign.
Information from: New Hampshire Union Leader, http://www.unionleader.com
Mr. Landry was kind enough to forward me this bit of news. I’m contacting Meghan at her blog to let her know she is biting my tat. And that I’m voting for Nader. And if her father wins I’m cutting my hand off at the wrist.

Seems like someone ought to get in on the formal portrait racket Wal*Mart currently has locked down. Lot’s of people like me are looking for good myspace/facebook portraits. Something that really says, “I’m special”, or, “I love animals”. Jacqui took a lot of pictures today, and has taken a lot of pictures on other days too. You can see her work at Jacqui Galle.
When I tried to hitchhike to Reno a few months ago with Alina, having internet access changed the whole game. With a web enabled phone in my hand, I could post ads on craigslist rideshare, and put links up in the post to my site. People who responded to my ride request first checked me out online, then sent me their myspace page, or blog site link. You see what kind of music someone’s into and a few hours later you’re both driving across the desert at night. We got picked up at our booth in Denny’s. It can be that specific.
I thought breakdancing was the biggest cultural revolution I’d live through.

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This guy looks and dresses like the mayor…
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I work with Jacqui and Courtney, and they came by today to take some pictures and start up a jug band.
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I can’t believe the store manager decided to keep all the party supplies in one aisle…but visine for drunks and stoners, nyquil for that medicinal trip, I can’t explain what’s going on.
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We got a new movie up! Thanks Fisher, you edited the hell out of it and left the parts in where I sound drunk and stupid. But maybe it’ll work….

I think people would vote for this ticket. It would be seen as a bipartisan effort to make our country strong again. Even though we are just voting for someone who’ll look good on tv.

You can go to The Superficial or any other gossip column, and no one mentions the word pedophile. They only call the women whores for sleeping with Hef. But isn’t a man of 82 kind of a pedophile, if he dates 19 year olds?

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more phone cards. i love these things.
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This image came from flickr, part of a photo pool there you can visit by going here. A gal named June sent me a little note tipping me off to it, she spent last year taking a bunch of photos of these strange animals. I especially love the trend of buying old Uhaul trucks and converting them for cardboard hauling. The back box they rip off before building wooden walls is solid aluminum, they probably pay for half their truck just by recycling it.
I finished my final voice over for the cardboard documentary and Fisher is hard at work with a final edit. Should be done by the end of this month. While I was at Fisher’s place, he showed me his collection of artwork done by a local maniac who wanders the street screaming when he’s not drawing in chalk and pencil on anything in the neighborhood.

The hooded figures appear in all his work, I believe they symbolize Mayans. He also writes Zapata somewhere on the canvas, if that’s what you call an old pizza box or the sidewalk. Fisher’s roommate Carlos explained to me who Zapata was – “a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution of 1910,” according to wikipedia. The man had a very awesome mustache as well.

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Governor Palin’s gonna be at the Dover High School Gymnasium tomorrow for a rally. Makes me wish I was back in New Hampshire. I was in a dumpster last night, out front of the Boys and Girls club. Judging from the keystone, it wasn’t always a girls club too. In these tough economic times I’m finding myself stopping at every dumpster along the way, hoping to find treasure that I can sell on ebay. I’m almost sad to see the market’s rebound this morning. I was looking forward to some free time to get some stuff done around the house. Maybe paint the living room while The Next Depression sets in. But the Boys and Girls Club…they’re renovating the place. I pulled out a couple folding tables, twenty pool cues, and two old basketball jerseys in baby blue and orange with “Mission Warriors” on them. Dropped my phone so I can’t upload any more photos, but someday I’ll show you the interior of the Boys Club. Giant tubas laying on the floor, an old basketball court and scoreboard with warped flooring from years of leaking roof. It was cool. Always fun to be inside a building just before it is demolished, seeing the old handrails, old wavy glass in the window frames, interesting linoleum patterns from bygone administrations, it all makes me want to take a souvenir.

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There’s a flea market on 15th and Mission. Doesn’t look exactly legal. Junkies have decided to claim a small stretch of sidewalk to sell off the contents of their carts and dufflebags. Cassette tapes and blank VCR tapes dominate the blankets thrown on the sidewalk. One entrepaneur has brought out three bags of bulk corn flakes with San Francisco Food Bank labels on them. Absolutely the saddest flea market I’ve ever witnessed.
But I paid three dollars for an old butterfly knife made with a brass and bone handle. It’s like buying foreclosed homes after Katrina. What deals!
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for most people, people like me, photography sucks. You are looking at the blue angels screaming above the skyline of san francisco. Look at Sausalito over in the distance! And those mighty jets, aren’t they magnificent! Although too small and fast to be picked up by the camera. But i took a photo none the less, to document Fleet Week S.F.
We were actually downtown working on a photo shoot, the 26th floor of an office building when the jets started tearing ass through downtown. At one point they flew below us, between buildings. They dropped pro-McCain leavlets on The Castro, then barrel rolled up out past the Golden Gate Bridge.
Those photographers I was working with were pros – making a plastic surgeons office look like a heart specialists office. They made cheap printouts look like fancy diagrams. The styrofoam heart I spray painted and drizzled with red colored corn syrup looked fresh out of a chest. For a pro, things look better through the lens than with the human eye. On the other hand, my photos reduce the grandeur of the event to a useless waste of pixels. Sorry about that.
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This is Doug’s ant farm. All the ants are dead. It’s kinda symbolic of The Flagpoles. We play our last show of its current incarnation this Friday. I wouldn’t make a point to cone for the music, we havent practiced in four months. But it is the end of my first band experience. Maybe you wanna share that with us.
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