My Robot Is Pregnant theme song!

tough guy poetry and manly stories of loneliness
all contents copyright Jon Rolston 2004, 2005, 2006

April 6, 2009

photo posted from my iPhone

Just sewed a flower “patch” on my hoodie in honor of Spring!

April 5, 2009

hard boiled

photo posted from my iPhone

Sophia boiled an egg with a cracked shell. It looks like ice cream. Smells like a fart. She got laid off and sprained her ankle too. She’s still in good spirits though. “there’s so many people laid off right now it’s kinda fun. A lot of my friends are too so I have people to hang out with. It’s refreshing to break the routine I had for four years.”.

So week one of unemployment is a success for her. Perhaps the cyclical nature of economic collapse is a product of workers frustration reaching critical mass. Subliminally people want things to fall apart because they need a goddamn break.

April 4, 2009

the richmond – I’m digging it

I’ll be putting these on my hunting pants. I end up on my knees digging little holes.

(here’s a sample of my newspaper column for the Richmond Review as discussed yesterday. I’ll write a few more and submit them all at once. Turns out it’s a monthly, not a weekly paper. That’ll make it three times easier.)

I took the metal detector out this first saturday of April since it was like Eden in the Richmond – no wind and no fog, a rare combination for us. There are four tennis courts within a chain linked square tucked among homes between 30th and 31st Ave. I hit a small patch of grass on the 31st side and immediately dug up a pull top, large enough to remind me of a Dinty Moore soup can. Pull tops, usually from beer cans manufactured in the 1970′s, are a nightmare for hunters. It’s like that decade was a giant outdoor frat party.

Lying mere inches next to that letdown something made my machine scream out in pain…I was directly over the sprinkler head. Dandelions had obscured the iron cap. I swept the metal coil around a few more times and came up with a faint blip. It didn’t take much to find the foil lined ketchup pack at the bottom of the grass. I couldn’t get much more done in that spot, the power lines were directly overhead and that messes with the detectors sensors.

I powered down and decided I’d just poke around in the shrubbery abutting the courts. Treasure hunting comes in many forms…maybe I’d find a whiskey bottle with something still in it. There was nothing out of the ordinary, but if you’re ever looking for tennis balls, here’s a tip: get your brother and a stick and head over to the 31st street side. One goes down the ramp into the court and catches the balls knocked loose from the ledge from the one outside holding the stick. There must have been ten or fifteen good lookin’ ones jammed in there, unreachable from the inside due to the height difference from excavation necessary to flatten the area for tennis. Go check it out, you’ll see what I mean.

Well, I didn’t find anything other than metallic garbage, but it was a nice day. The thud of tennis balls on rackets and the sunshine made me think of my childhood, clicking through the four channels and only finding Wimbledon coverage on tv. I’d go outside and climb trees.

Shaken from my reverie I looked up and noticed a wooden sign. “Dog owners are responsible for picking up their dog’s feces. Health Code Sec 40.” I decided to look that particular bit of legislation up when I got home and see what else it had to say.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control or custody of any dog to permit the animal to defecate upon the public property of this City or upon the private property of another unless the person immediately remove the feces…yeah yeah yeah…

(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to walk a dog on public property of this City or upon the private property of another without carrying at all times a suitable container or other suitable instrument for the removal and disposal of dog feces.

(c) Visually handicapped persons who use Seeing Eye Guide Dogs are exempt from this law.

(Amended by Ord. 420-78, App. 9/8/78)

Well there it is. I’d never considered the Seeing Eye Guide Dogs before. Good piece of code there, that (c). You can’t expect a blind person to pick up dog feces, for obvious reasons. (b) as well gives food for thought. Perhaps in these leans times officers could be allowed to search dog walkers and those that come up empty handed as far as suitable containers for feces are concerned could be given a ticket. How else is The City going to stay solvent if we don’t explore new avenues of revenue?

I look forward to getting out to another Richmond area park real soon, and this time I’ll remember to avoid the power lines. I hope to have some exciting finds to share with you when we meet again.

if no news is good news why should we care newspapers are dying?

The San Francisco Chronicle is rumored to shortly cease publication. They blame the Internet. Bloggers. Craigslist for sucking all the ad money away. So this little neighborhood weekly newspaper called “The Richmond Review” has been on my mind. It’s pretty boring, very little investigative journalism happening there. The precinct cheif writes a little article about crime prevention. An interesting resident talks about their work. An old photograph of a building or streetcorner is given the “then and now” treatment. Yet, I really want to write for them. I want to be a part of a dying breed. Newspaper columnist. It’s so Mark Twain. And laugh, but the Richmond Review will outlast the Chronicle, the cities only daily.
I’ve been kicking around ideas with friends and came up with this angle – a metal detectors perspective of my neighborhood. For those of you that don’t know, the Richmond is boring. Old people live out here. Families and shit. Russian Orthodox priests. Dim Sum enthusiasts. How do I write for that mixed audience? It’ll be the biggest challenge of my writing career. It’s a four page paper. They fill neighbors in on library events. Free cardiovascular screenings for seniors at the Y. I want to be a part of something hyper local. In a part of the city many residents don’t even know exists. Me and my metal detector.

April 2, 2009

she is the champion

“You know what you could do? You could bring me my purple down vest hanging in the hallway there. It has scotch tape holding the down in, I don’t know why it comes out.”

That’s Barbara Champion, she’s like everyone’s favorite Grandmother. Glenn and Ian introduced me to her. I’m at her place moving furniture around.

April 1, 2009

how many babies do they make in a week?

“You find bees catch them and when you find flowers get a lot for the bees you have. Don’t let them go and keep them until they die.”

These were some wise words from the thank you notes the fourth grade class at Daniel Webster Elementary School in Daly City sent me. I went in last friday and showed them some bees in an observation hive and let them eat fresh honey. They were stoked.

March 31, 2009

new juice for my tape deck

I helped some friends clean out their storage locker today, I got all the scraps! God I love junk. Three shoe boxes of cassette tapes. Motely Crue, Cars, Depeche Mode, all kinds of stuff. I want to keep everything, but I couldn’t figure out why I should keep those cassettes. Then I found these four. Of course I should keep these. Self released mid 1990′s slice of American music. I’m sure they only exist on cassette. Never pressed in vinyl or released on CD. It was a time in the world where four tracks recorded on tape and it only cost 500 bucks to get 250 tapes from the master. (Don’t quote me on that price, I never actually got that far) This kind of junk is rare as hen’s teeth. And as desirable.

March 30, 2009

photo posted from my iPhone
Today we used a crane to bring ten foot palm trees onto the roof top garden of someones home. It was fun to be working.

part of the homeless problem?

photo posted from my iPhone

Talk about sunning yourself. Hope he was using sunscreen for lube before he passed out. What a way to start the week.

March 28, 2009

chain gang

photo posted from my iPhone
This is a painter’s van parked in front of a commercial space being remodeled in my neighborhood.

March 27, 2009

sad day in the toy aisle

I found the thrift store.

March 26, 2009

maybe nick needs a chrome stack for his bass drum

photo posted from my iPhone`

Hauled a load up to Benicia and when I was through went looking for a thrift store. Came across this gem parked just outside the trailer park gates.

March 25, 2009

gas powered banjo amplifier

Doug came by this evening and we made a sheet metal case for his little banjo amp. Will and I decorated our amps last week, mine with fabric, his with grass weave wall paper. That leaves Collin, who’s coming by tomorrow. Maybe a wood case? And then the drums. What do we do with the drums? Upholstered? Or rubberize them? That won’t help the sound. Maybe lights inside each one. Touch sensitive like the ground Micheal Jackson walked on in that video for Billy Jean.

March 24, 2009

wrestling isn’t gay, but the people who support it are

The recession hit. Rus doesn’t even have any work for me. That guys been around since before horses came to this continent. Yesterday I worked on my garden, painted the living room, and got back to the leather bedspread I started months ago. If I don’t get some work soon all this time on my hand is gonna turn me gay. I mean, I’m rearranging the house, sewing my clothes, organizing my linen. Things a tough guy isn’t supposed to care about. I’m about to do my taxes I’m so bored.

Then Ivan called. He is a stylist I met once. A super gay Mexican makeup artist. He lives in the Mission and so Glenn and I went by this afternoon to look at a project he wanted done. Building a simple closet for his clothes in a spare room. Glenn and I looked it over then retired to the bar to discuss. Looks like it’d be way cheaper for him to just buy a wardrobe.

So we can turn down work. Things aren’t rock bottom yet. But we’re standing on the sand that sifts all the way to bedrock. Just grind my heel down and I can feel the resistance of the end.

Thankfully it’s a beautiful day in San Francisco. And we aren’t working so we only pay happy hour prices at the bar. A guy even stopped at a red light and asked for my business card. He wants to demo a bathroom. There’s hope out there. However, in the interest of economy, I didn’t take a picture today. I figure uploading photos from my phone sucks a lot of battery, and recharging costs money. So please, in light of the new economy, just read today. Don’t look at any pictures. And get used to it.

March 23, 2009

baby jeanious

Hether came over this evening and made this thing that I can’t even describe out of baby jeans and fake hair. Thankfully she has an iPhone and could take a picture of me wearing it and add a beard and sunglasses to my face and then throw some pubic hair on my head before she emailed me the photo. But that blond neck thing is not digitally manipulated. She sewed it together. No one knows why.

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