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Ever put a loose 9 volt in your pocket with spare change in there? I was sitting eating a sandwhich and it felt like someone at the next table threw something at me. I didn’t see anything on my pants or the floor. I gave a round of dirty looks. No response. Then my leg got hot. Had I been shot? Reached in my pocket and pulled out a pulsing throbbing battery.
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The cross walks on the Genentech campus are double helixed!
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I tried to squeeze one more day out of the birthday celebration. It kinda worked.

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I told my hairdresser to do whatever she wanted. So she did. It was a free haircut in exchange for yard work. I’ve been told I look like Vanilla Ice. I’m not giving up on it though.

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We spent that much buying the ingredients (45 bucks on Tanqueray) and they came out pretty bad. Cheaper to drink at the bar.
Unrelated: is there anything to read in heaven? And for Muslims, they got 40 virgins. But do they remain virgins? Because that sounds like hell.

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The white line is the area the trolley needs to pass. I’m over the line. A woman’s grocery bag caught on my mirrorfive minutes before on the earlier one. I moved in time for this one.

We got Joy in some protective eyewear and she went to work designing a miniature wire mannequin. It came out so awesome! She’s studying to be a doctor, a specific type of surgeon, and her grasp of the human form is spot on.
(please note Joanne’s Gay Pride rice krispie treats – made with Fruity Pebbles. She also made the most best ice cream sandwiches and peanut butter cookies!)

Joy’s final product. Anatomically rad.

Eileen was making snowflakes and drawing rapid fire portraits of everyone. She is showcasing the soul of the wire man I made that is hanging up in the photo, but it’s kinda hard to see. Her FIANCE is the reason I’m trying to make wire sculptures. He might have a job for me making ten for a photo shoot.

Kelly came by as well, she is part owner of the Parish Trust, an art and antique store on Divisadero. She made this card for a friend who is pregnant.

Heather tucked away and quietly made this incredible charcoal, only occasionally breaking into a Stevie Nicks voice singing songs.

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Collin and I were out cleaning windows yesterday.
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I realized I could put one set of cables onto another and double jump with just one truck. Appears the alternator is bad.
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Trying to grab the flash from one camera to get her picture with my camera. It’s totally weird how two different moments were captured in one photo.
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With it’s twin batteries it took my whole fleet to get the Ford started. That’s my motorcycle ready to run for help.

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Here’s a sure sign you have four women staying with you -I came out into the kitchen this morning to find a pair of underduds drying on the doorknob. Every good host should have a drying rack for the silky stuff. Now I know.

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So the Dutch girls arrived yesterday. Steve sent them out from Massachusetts. They’ll be staying for four days. I took them immediately to The Lexington bar. It’s hard to know where to take four college girls from Amsterdam when your idea of a good time includes a trip to the dump and throwing rocks at street signs. The Lexington, a lesbian bar, was packed out the door since it was Pride weekend. They aren’t lesbians so it wasn’t so much fun for them. I’ll never be a tour guide.
“What do you call ‘going dutch’ in the Netherlands?” I asked.
“Splitting the bill,” she said with a withering tone.
“Do you know what Double Dutch means?” I asked, not catching on that this was racist and offensive.
“When the man wears a condom even though the girl is on the pill,” she said.
It was news to me. We googled it. She’s right.

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This is my working man’s work glove tribute to Micheal Jackson.
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