My Robot Is Pregnant theme song!

tough guy poetry and manly stories of loneliness
all contents copyright Jon Rolston 2004, 2005, 2006

July 29, 2009

photo posted from my iPhone

July 28, 2009

fake tits

photo posted from my iPhone
manneqinns in the kitchen of an empty restaurant Dockers has rented out to install inspiration for Fall 2010′s line. I’m working with Poll to install some displays for them. That’s a long story. Huh Poll?

July 27, 2009

it’s late and getting weirder

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I made my play friends some new dresses out of old concert tickets.

Women on the cover of patterns used to always wear white gloves. Then they were drawn with one glove off, or holding the pair in their naked hands. In this modern age, women on the cover of patterns have no reference to gloves.


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These gals must be on their way to a party in the Hollywood Hills with lot’s of rich men around.

you’re my little paper doll

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This is the last one I made, I got creeped out.

July 25, 2009

again, i love the dump

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Found this in a large garbage bag full of pot leaves at the dump. The bud that got away. Grow operations dump their stems in the green waste area, along with the regular kind of grass and trees, which in turn is composted and sold to vineyards. I wonder how much thc gets into the grapes.

Fog’s floatin a few feet above the water, looks to be set on the footings of the Golden Gate Bridge. Someone came in the damp night and stole the marble I had leaned up against the garage door. Didn’t have a dime into em but could’ve made a few bucks off it.

It’s been brought to my attention I portray everyone as happy and positive except my (ex) girlfriend and my parents. I suppose that’s true because those are the people I have to spend the most time trying to figure out and deeper questions come up. Guess the point is, sorry it comes across that way, they’re all good people, I’m just trying to figure myself out and that can involve pointing fingers the other way for a while till I understand the whole picture.

Gonna go put some boots on and cut down another tree in San Francisco. Who knew they had so many to spare?

July 23, 2009


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I don’t understand how this weird drip of ice formed in the freezer. It’s like there was a mosh pit going on with Vegetable Medley and that hunk of pork loin that’s been in there forever and the ice got jostled.

boys and girls

There’s girls and there’s boys, that’s one of the first things I remember. My sister was a girl, boys were my friends. My dad was like a boy, but meaner. He was like the older boys, watch them from a distance. They were funny too. They pretended to be other people and told jokes.

My mom was someone who hugged a lot. Girls didn’t hug me, but mom’s women friends did. I loved hugs. Sometimes I stood on the playground just watching everything. I can’t remember what I was looking for. I remember seeing groups of friends and how they played together and deciding I wanted to join a group but not knowing how.

I moved a guy today, he called me because he saw the phone number on the side of my truck. His name was Max, and his lease was up tomorrow. He lived with his girlfriend in a dark place with a long hallway behind the Kragen auto parts store.

We needed to take apart his weight bench to get it out the front door, and when his girlfriend asked him to help him move something, he stood and watched me turn the wrench instead. Boys like boys. They like watching boys do boy things. They want to help.

If your father had you help him with something in the garage and your mother called you both in, Dad would say quietly to you, “Not till we get this wheel back on.” Two guys working together on a project. The woman calls from another room. Happens all the time.

also i’m thinking about this…

if we eat pepsi it is because the pepsi has been frozen. there’s an explanation for everything. we ask questions because there is more than one explanation. if there was only one explanation ever, asking wouldn’t be so important. because we must sift through answers we want to ask questions.

why is getting high so easy and loving someone so hard?

Who doesn’t want to feel good? Dating someone is like bashing your head against a wall. At times. Then you have incredible highs as well. So you’ve broken up and you are home alone and it doesn’t feel right. Can you ride the blues alone through another night? Probably not. Maybe its gin and tonic. Maybe you crush up some codeine. Maybe you call your ex. It’s all about trying to feel good again.

Most people are on Myspace or Facebook. I on the other hand, have my own website. Where I call the shots. Mark me down as a control freak. Must be hard for me to have a meaningful relationship if there’s no give and take.

The women that love me are the ones that want to rescue me. But I want to ride the blues alone. I called in Chinese take out. Sesame chicken. Pot stickers. Food for one. My fortune read, “Your luck will completely change tonight”. I fought the cat off the table and ate with chopsticks. He likes to jump up and try to grab your dinner. Those women ought to know, I have a cat. I’m not alone.

All you married men out there, you ever wish you were all alone and blue? Ever wish you could wash the dishes without any noise in the house, not even a radio? You run the sponge over a few glasses and a plate. You rinse them and set them in the drying rack. The only light is the kitchen and it spills itself out into other rooms so you can see a chair leg, a coat on a hook. You could water the little cactus on top of the refrigerator if you wanted to feel important. Start a load of laundry. It’s night time.

Do my married friends ever feel alone? Is that why children make so much noise? They come into this world so you aren’t alone. Constantly they scream or cry or turn up the television so that you can see you have spread yourself out into the world. You aren’t alone, you have parts of yourself in your children. “How can I be alone? My son is in the other room practicing his guitar.” You and your wife are lying in bed and I want to know if you’ve felt lonely at that time. Married friends, do you ever wish you were alone?

July 21, 2009

math major

photo posted from my iPhone

tired of this

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I miss drinking in cars and alleys and alongside railroad tracks, down on an empty waterfront, up in a treefort, behind a fence in some bushes, out in a hay barn. The sad thing about adulthood is all the drinking happens in a bar. Who wants to hike into the woods just to drink a few beers?

July 20, 2009

poll’s block

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A bit blurry, that’s Poll on the left. The six and a half foot tall block of redwood is on the right. They are each able to stand on their own.

poll’s 3 pronger

photo posted from my iPhone
Had Poll fashion a three pronged metal plate that bolts to the floor and then receives the redwood in predrilled holes.

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