At the scrap metal yard an old MUNI bus sits along the fence and the bucket loader uses it like a bumper to corral the debris. He drops the big metal scoop to the ground and the tar suffers with a grinding scrape and the feather edge of the metal we’ve been throwing off the backs of our trucks at the foot of the scrap mountain adds a higher pitch to the rumble as our offerings are forced forward and the old saucepan that rolled awkwardly under a truck like a retarded escape attempt is exposed at the perimeter and bounces off the thick lip of the bucket as now it slams into lengths of water pipe filled with the chalk of forty years deposit and then the bigger items, a wire basket, a lamp, caught in the jaw and dragging, now deeper, closer to the foot of the pile are the washing machines, the water heaters, all with skin torn open by the force of the tractor pushing them into fodder for the ferrous peak.
The guy in the orange safety vest gets to talking to me about Hawaii. He went there last year and didn’t want to come back.
“It was paradise. Coconut trees. I didn’t want to come back. I’m from Nicaragua, the rain in Hawaii is just like Nicaragua. It reminded me of home, how it’s warm when it rains. It gets really warm and the smells in the air of the plants and the soil…I miss that.”
“That old MUNI bus has been there a long time huh?” I ask. It still has the same body style of the public buses on the road, so it’s not so old.
“They’ll never get rid of that, it helps them keep the pile organized.”
“Gives ‘em something to push off,” I answer.
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“The Yankees are a wonderful people – wonderful! Where ever they go, they make improvements. If they were to emigrate in large numbers to hell itself they would irrigate it, plant trees and flower gardens build reservoirs and fountains and make everything beautiful and pleasant, so that by the time we get there, we can sit at a marble-top table and eat ice cream.” *
Halliburton is the only company with the experience and size to handle the reconstruction of Hell, and I’m sure Dick Cheney has taken trips there to set it all in motion.
*Don Mariano Vallejo to Abraham Lincoln, speaking about how much had changed since the Americans forced Californios off their haciendas and took “Alto California” from Mexico. It is not known if he was a big fan off that progress.
(I picked up a discarded library book, “California, Where the Twain Did Meet,” and pulled that quote out.)
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a picture of Chirag’s eyes in front of Sophia’s face at Mandalay, a Burmese restaurant down the road.
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My eyes in front of Andrew.
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Sean came by for craft nite with an extra t shirt. Laying on the table, he placed his head down on it and traced around his noggin. Then he cut along the marks. Finally he sewed the two pieces together and that’s how this mask was made.
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Some of us start dumpster diving before we’re able to figure how to get in the darn things.
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These are the screw tooth vampires, evolved from the need to bore into hardwood to access the sap.
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I’ve had this bar of Twinkie soap since I was probably 9 years old, but I’ve decided to throw it away. It’s kinda melty and the package is brittle and if you take a picture it lasts longer. So I’ve taken a picture of something I held onto for about thirty years. Now it’s okay to let go.
Just finished reading Twilight, the teen vampire novel, now a movie. A coven of them live in the Pacific Northwest and feed on Grizzly Bear and mountain lion blood. Which reminds me of another part of my childhood – when I discovered a coven of maple sugar sucking vampires in the Northern Kingdom of Vermont. They had gone totally vegetarian and subsisted off the sap of trees.
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I got down into the heart of the city last night and it was three in the morning and Market street was empty save for an eighteen wheeler backed up on the curb and this loading ramp snaking out of the trailer into the store. Sometimes the weirdest thing is pretty.
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Is this actually a “Jew ‘fro” wig?

photo posted from my iPhone
Does it really make sense to buy your infant a Michael Jackson tribute t-shirt?
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