More complaints from the internet. I got a wordpress app so I could blog on my phone, the latest update broke it. So I have to come home and go to this ancient dinosaur desktop and feel very unhip. That’s the worst part. it hurts my hips. Is anyone out there successfully blogging from their Iphone? Can you tell me how?
does anyone mind if I take a few personal days, PTO as they say, and figure out how to make better love to my woman? Or is that illegal somehow?
Things you didn’t know: The five yellow lights on the roof of my newest truck never worked, but after spending 388 bucks, they do. And if you didn’t know, those running lights are cool.
I powerwashed a house today. That is incredible fun. No one can hear me talking to myself over the sound of the gas engine turning a garden hose into 4000 psi of pressure that peels paint and gouges into wood.
The Blue Angels are practicing over the neighborhood this week. It’s Fleet Week.
Two things to talk about. One, an online service I used to upload photos from my phone for the last two years recently pulled the plug and without warning all those photos are gone.
That hurt. Scroll back and notice all the blue boxes starting in August. Scanned images uploaded from my computer weren’t affected. This Internet sure is fragile. What if Flicker crashes? What if terrorists fly planes into Amazon and eBay? Where will we dispose of all our junk? One massive country-wide yard sale I guess.
The other thing is, is it only here in San Francisco people spend time inventing food?
Like, “I want to cut up hot dogs and put them in hamburgers so you don’t have to decide what you want at a BBQ.”
This must be an American activity. It has the hallmarks. When we sit around inventing foods, the desire is to save time and get rich, not increase health and stop hunger.
Take for instance my other food idea: caffeinated donuts. It’s simply a more efficient dual drug delivery system than coffee and donuts separately. Apparently someone else has had the same idea and made it reality.
The American mindset treats food as a commodity. Through branding and the stock market food seems to all be a corporate invention. If I want to be a CEO and don’t get computers, maybe I can make it big another way…with campfire marshmallows infused with chocolate chunks!
No more buying both a Hershey’s bar and a bag of the white puffy marshies. With the chocolate inside, there’s never left over chocolate to accidentally drop in the sand.
This is another American dream to add to the list. Is there a limit to how many we get?

That’s a couple of drag queens. Anyway, back to the tandem. It’s because a tandem bike requires two people to operate that so many weird people want them. Can we go so far as to say they are un-American? It’s totally socialist! People working together to subvert the single passenger car paradigm!
All in all Americans are taught independence and learning to operate a bike while conjoined to the single looping chain of a tandem is not independence. It’s team building.
Three day weekend free music festival. People want to make money off the crowds. Food vendors are regulated. Street musicians are busking. This guy is holding elk horns.

All’s it took was talking about that bike. This guy with the cane, who turns out to be visually impaired, rode up from Santa Cruz with his pal’s trailer to get it.
“I needed the low cross bar so my wife could get her foot over. Most guys are up front steering but with my vision problem, I’ll be in the back.”

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Ever try to sell something? Most of us are much better at buying something. But we buy new. We go to a store that sells what we want. Maybe a shirt. We wear it to work and people say, “Nice shirt.”.
Ever try selling something people might not want? Like a tandem bicycle? Where do you begin? I put a “For Sale” sign on mine and rode it to the coffee shop, locked it up, and hoped a couple would pass by.
No luck. So I put it on Craigslist.
The Nigerians contacted me. I didn’t want to help them. I got emails from a few locals who apparently realized what a dumb idea a tandem bike is shortly after replying, because I never got a follow up. I waited a week. Then I reposted.
A man called who wanted to teach his girlfriend how to ride a bike. A woman called who wanted to get around with her autistic son. Another man called who wanted it as a gift for his friends wedding.
None of them did more than tell me their dreams into the phone. They never showed up.
I still have this damn thing. I ride it around and look lonely. But I’m not. There’s a great online community I belong to.

Nikki Stixx and I went to the park to watch MC Hammer this morning. There’s a bluegrass concert this weekend, and Hammer plays Friday morning every year for groups of school children. How this came to be I don’t know. What do busloads of fifth graders know about Hammer Time? Why aren’t they in school? Why is this rapper from Oakland playing a bluegrass festival?
It was Nikki who pointed out how weird it all was. Children kept in a fenced off area in front of the stage. Grown men drinking cans of Bud on a cold Friday at 11 am up on stage left in the raspberries bushes.
But it’s a strange town.

Some experiments take so much work to complete you don’t want to throw out the evidence even though it proves you wrong. I’m not talking about big experiments, like democracy, a two party system, going to war to stop drug use – I’m talking about using thin metal fence posts for curtain rods.
These are the kind for stringing barbed wire on. Basically an iron bar in the shape of a T. Small hooks jut out of the flat surface and that catches the wire. You pound them in the ground like a stake rather than digging holes and setting posts.
Mr. Sunshine had some nice old rusty ones and I improvised some cleats to hold them out from the wall. It took a lot of work finding the studs behind the lath, nothing seemed to be on center since the windows took up most of the wall. And shouldn’t studs run alongside the window for installation?
I got all three hung. Found the largest round hangers I could find. They just don’t slide well. Shutting the curtains means standing on a chair and pulling fabric along in short jerks
Rough and bent fencing is not a good alternative to store bought curtain rods. But it’ll be years before I do anything more. I want to get my money’s worth out of a bad investment.
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The guy came into the bar holding sunglasses cradled in his hands, held close to his heart. We all know the smile as someone approaches that says, “I have a question for ya.”
His was, “Can you give me two bucks for these sunglasses?”
No. It’s night time.
“how about can you spare 50 cents?”
That’s a no as well.
Dogboy, a guy I met awhile back on the folding boat adventure, turns and says, “Who does that? ‘Hey bad-ass, you look like you could wear sunglasses in the dark. Give me two bucks for these.’”
I miss fold-a-boat.
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Will is back in town. He quit the Flagpoles to move to Alaska. After he went north Collin started school. We didn’t even practice for three months. Doug wanted to be a comedian. Jeff was in his final semester. Nick was in two other bands.
Yes, this is a Flagpoles lament. Where are the dudes? Why isn’t anyone coming to visit?
Will and I fixed a leak at his sister’s place, then she bought us drinks.
Everyone thinks I broke up the band. I just brought everyone’s guitars back to them. I knocked on doors and said “Here’s your amp.” I’m the only one in the band with a vehicle, btw.
The Flagpoles were half masted and I wanted to watch some VHS tapes in my living room. So bottom line: I’ll play if called. Meanwhile I got Real Genius on queu.
This looks more like a blowtorch than a wood burner. I like it. On the wall at Tokyo-a-go-go in The Mission.

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Found these dinner plate sized carvings in a clean out. “Mrs. Landwent, Fancy Wood Burning” is stamped on the back. Didn’t find anything about her on the internet. Nowadays every small time stick whittler has a website. She must have been operating in the 1970′s.
What’s happening in modern wood burning circles? An image search brings up lots of photos of logs burning in a fire place. Enhance your search to wood burning artist. Then you get the eagles flying in front of waving flags and horses agalloping across fields. But that’s not modern.

This guy Daniel Crosier wood burned his vision of The Swamp Thing. But what’s an artist gotta do to bring it to a whole new level? I have a wood burner in the garage. If only it wasn’t filled with old furniture, magazines and mixing bowls bound for the flea market I could get in there and try my hand at expanding the wood burning universe.
A 47 foot half eaten dead whale washed up on the beach last nite. By morning it had been tagged by taggers, multiple people had climbed on it’s back and pretended to surf it for photo opportunities and I myself considered how I might make some money from it. Do whales have a penis bone?

She is a beautiful truck,even after I scraped her nose along a cement wall last week, tearing off the chrome trim.
The bearded lady doesn’t like the cold and damp of western San Francisco. Her sideview mirror rusted out and fell off in my hand. The rear end has a center bolt that keeps the axle straight and I broke that. I drove all the way to Woodside sideways.
The hardworking circus freak F250 is in Rusty’s hands now.
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