Climbed into bed and snagged my big toenail on the blanket. Popped up like the hood of a car. Hurt too, but not like it did last week when I dropped a treadmill on it.
Bloody water was running out from under the first two days. The natural attempt to swell was hampered by the nail. So it was like putting a swollen toe in a vice. Then the nail turned white and died. The pain is mostly gone now.
However, with the nail ripped off, I’m expecting the never-before-exposed skin to be a bit sensitive.
To cap it off, I twisted my ankle hopping around in pain.

Had to pull the truck over on the side of 280 yesterday, near Atascadero exit in Palo Alto. Sophia wanted Prince tickets for her birthday and we risked dropping the cell call.
I step over the guardrail and walk back 30 feet into the woods between on/off ramps and find this giant pile of sticks that form a home for gnomes, possibly. Research suggests rats. Here’s more from the nets:
Woodrats are most known for the elaborate stick houses that they build and live in. These conical structures can be found high up in the oak trees of Hastings but most commonly they are leaned up against the base of a coast live oak or willow. These complex structures have multiple chambers within them ranging from the actual nest to latrines and even special areas where leaves are stored until the toxic chemicals they contain are leached out allowing consumption. Woodrat houses range in shape and size but it is not uncommon to find ones up to six feet tall. Each house is occupied by a single adult although moms share their houses with their young for their first two months of life. At that point the young move into adjacent houses still near their mother. Eventually, the mother will die and one of her offspring will inherit her house. This allows for a house to be maintained for decades by several generations of the same family

Sophia is by a kid’s nest, the really big one was hard to get at under a tree. About 4 feet tall.
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If the first pilots in their open air cockpits returned to earth with reports of clouds tasting sweet would the military be allowed to drop bombs from the sky?
As that first summer of flight ended and the pollen quit drifting up to the sky the clouds took on a biitter zing and World War One was just around the corner.
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You’ll find people getting rid of CD racks and armoires when they move. They leave them on the street or give them away to neighbors because we’ve given up on CDs and fat television sets.
Know what else I learned from moving people? I’m sittinig here trying to remember. While I sit here I think about other stuff. Does that help me remember? I forgot something early today and I’m trying to remember what that was. It was a funny thought, something perfect for this blog.
Oh. Not my thought, heard it at the bar.
“what would kids today think about phone booths? That there used to be a bunch of voyeuristic changing rooms spread across the city?”
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Don’t know him but he sounds fun. This was by the register at Pop’s.
This was in the garbage today. Coincidence, or did someone not like the bouquet from Sunday? I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t send anything out to dear mom.
Hey Mom, can we pretend this is a cyber bouquet for you? I’m mailing out a package Thursday with real presents.

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“it is good for me that I am not a tall man. Why? Because I must be quick! Quick! and a tall man is always slow. It is so all through the profession: the best men are not too high. A tall man is easy going, good natured; a short man is sometimes good tempered, more often not so. All the mean, cunning men that I have known – short! And for work- the tall man has too much to carry, he is too far from the ground, he cannot lose and recover balance as is necessary, in a flash.”
Harry Houdini
This bad actin’ number is used to break the bead and knock the wheel weights off old tires.
Hauler got two new boots today.

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The videos only work in Safari. I didn’t realize this, but it makes sense. Apple wants to control its universe. So I’ll try and find a way to make the quick time movies play. But don’t hold your breath.
So, I can see the movies on my phone. Apparently they won’t play on an old fashioned computer? This future is confusing.
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