My Robot Is Pregnant theme song!

tough guy poetry and manly stories of loneliness
all contents copyright Jon Rolston 2004, 2005, 2006

June 19, 2007

baby bees


This shows the stages of growth pretty well.  The bee on the right is basically formed, but explodes white pus if barely touched.  It needs a few more days in the oven before it gets its hairy exoskeleton.


  1. yuk. it looks like my dentures.

    Comment by sean — June 19, 2007 @ 9:36 pm

  2. Hey Sean, I’m on Kate’s computer and your info is already in the required fields! Hope you haven’t done any online banking on this thing…anyway, this is mr. rolston, (the younger one) and that there wax reminds me of han solo in carbonite freeze. I’m trying to find his action figure and when I do I’m putting him in a frame and sticking him in the hive.

    This looks like old walt’s teeth, don’t you think?

    Comment by bing binger — June 20, 2007 @ 2:43 pm

  3. Did you ever see the photos of the kid who absorbed his twin fetus and had it removed years after birth? It was like a ball of hair, cartilage and teeth. That’s what this reminds me of.

    Comment by Lyle_s — June 20, 2007 @ 9:01 pm

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