wood burners
Found these dinner plate sized carvings in a clean out. “Mrs. Landwent, Fancy Wood Burning” is stamped on the back. Didn’t find anything about her on the internet. Nowadays every small time stick whittler has a website. She must have been operating in the 1970′s.
What’s happening in modern wood burning circles? An image search brings up lots of photos of logs burning in a fire place. Enhance your search to wood burning artist. Then you get the eagles flying in front of waving flags and horses agalloping across fields. But that’s not modern.
This guy Daniel Crosier wood burned his vision of The Swamp Thing. But what’s an artist gotta do to bring it to a whole new level? I have a wood burner in the garage. If only it wasn’t filled with old furniture, magazines and mixing bowls bound for the flea market I could get in there and try my hand at expanding the wood burning universe.
I have tried my hand at wood burning and it didn’t go very well.
BTW, I did do an image search for wood burning and you were right full of burning logs. I wonder how you would find pictures of wood burning projects?
What to Eat While Pregnant
Comment by Maegan — September 26, 2010 @ 7:42 am
Search for modern pyrography
Comment by Lyle_S — September 26, 2010 @ 8:11 am
I am great at burning bridges!
Comment by chrome1 — September 26, 2010 @ 8:46 pm