<title>By: Lyle_s</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 02 Aug 2009 03:35:39 +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">http://myrobotispregnant.com/?p=2789#comment-13724</guid>
<description>Sure, that one works.
Jon, can we get a picture of your t-shirt? I love Sanford and Son. Used to watch it with my dad all the time when I was young. One episode was called Steinberg and Son, where Fred and Lamont stumble across a tv show called Steinberg and Son that is just like their lives, only the cast is white. I'd post a link with details but I think it's making your site not accept my comment.</description>
<![CDATA[ <p>Sure, that one works.</p>
<p>Jon, can we get a picture of your t-shirt? I love Sanford and Son. Used to watch it with my dad all the time when I was young. One episode was called Steinberg and Son, where Fred and Lamont stumble across a tv show called Steinberg and Son that is just like their lives, only the cast is white. I’d post a link with details but I think it’s making your site not accept my comment.</p>